global data

英 [ˈɡləʊbl ˈdeɪtə] 美 [ˈɡloʊbl ˈdeɪtə]

网络  全局变量; 全局数据; 全球数据; 数据范畴; 嵌入式全局数据



  1. For example, the MDM retail solution pattern requires the MDI pattern, the global data pool synchronization pattern, and likely the MDM publish/ subscribe pattern to integrate a downstream eCommerce system.
  2. For more information on global data synchronization, see the Resources section.
  3. Debugging information, such as processor registers and global data structures, can be easily collected using Kprobes.
  4. So retailers need to integrate with these global data pools by means of synchronization.
  5. Or, you call some function that was in the middle of the manipulation of the global data structure and you call the same function from the signal handler.
  6. Reserve application scope for global data.
  7. , because the interfaces of the global data pools are standardized and require synchronization infrastructure complying with them.
  8. To create a global data source that can be used by multiple applications within the Geronimo server, you must create a deployment plan and correctly deploy it into the server.
  9. If you need the Drools rules execution engine to invoke complex Java code, then you can pass a reference to the Java object that contains the complex code to the rules engine as global data.
  10. Single point of integration with Global Data Synchronization Network further optimizing the exchange of product information with trading partners
  11. The primitive way is by throwing an error message if the function modifies global data.
  12. Reporting capabilities to provide summary and detailed information about all global data synchronization activities
  13. This is the closest that J2EE offers to global data.
  14. Developers can even use Kprobes to modify register values and global data structure values.
  15. Think of it anytime you require access to some global data for all objects of a single type.
  16. This information is crucial for retailers in order to get the required product attributes that are published by their suppliers into these global data pools.
  17. In some instances, the decline of local currencies against the dollar has prompted capital outflows, squeezing domestic bank liquidity and pushing up short-term rates, the economists of JPMorgan noted in a recent Global Data Watch.
  18. Secondly, BBMs are sent through Blackberry's own proprietary global data network, which encrypts incoming and outgoing messages and is thus considered safer than messages sent through other data networks.
  19. Inline data processing global data processing system
  20. A 0-1 Integer Programming Based Approach for Global Data Distribution
  21. These reside in global data.
  22. To improve communication, a small group has been created to continuously update global data on medical counterfeiting and share the information with IMPACT partners.
  23. He has been working on information processing of global data.
  24. This is extremely useful in stack analysis and in determining the addresses/ values of global data and function addresses.
  25. Recent innovations in it in theory make it easier than ever to track complex global data flows.
  26. United college operation and cooperative education; GLOBAL DATA MODEL ── INF RELATION MODEL
  27. Although the WHO is gathering global data, there are few in-country initiatives collating data on local trends and their contexts.
  28. This is because we don't know about what references are in the original code to things like global data structures and functions pointers in things like vtables.
  29. There are no global data on the number of cases, including fatal ones, of resistant bacterial infections.
  30. We therefore encourage APEC economies to work with the private sector to promote further cooperation on global data standards and their wider use by developing pilot projects.